
Monday, May 9, 2011

Ramping up and Cramping up! - weeks 9-10

I'd like to think everything is about me, and frankly it is, but that makes for one boring blog. So, I feel it necessary to mention a few people that are merely close to the center of the universe.

First the youngest of my SCE teammates, Andrew Walgren finished 4th overall at the Marine Discovery Run 5K on Mother's day. He's 13 years old and ran an 18:55. Definitely can haz some serious potential.

If you haven't heard of Tommy Zaferes you should check out his blog. He's a local pro and all around great guy. He'll be competing this summer in a number of races.

Also my longtime coach and SCE leader Martin Spearings is moving the family to Chicago. I don't know maybe ether struck oil or something but I give it one winter and they'll be back!

Back to me-- unlike the previous two weeks, these last two weeks have been really really busy and eventful. I finished 3rd overall today in the Run for Shelter 5k. The first two places went to guys that were just at a different level. They finished in the mid 17's while I ran a lonely 19 minutes flat. I was out there by myself pretty much the entire race and really just kicked back and enjoyed it.

So a low mileage week at 21 miles on the run, with no swims and one ride.

The previous week was brutal with a low 25 miles running, but 3 rides, of which one ride included some very painful hill repeats and another was 20+ miles in Wilder State park on the mountain bike pounding myself to mush. And a couple of easy mid-day swims.

This week will be some two a days as I start to gear up for the season. So I plan on pushing distance and time a bit but no real intensity as I'm racing Saturday. Then I'm off to Japan where I'll be running the streets of Tokyo in search of glowing fish and iodine pills.

Sunday will be my first long race in over 20 years. It's the XTerra 20k in Wilder State Park. Fortunately it all on fairly flat land. I have no idea what to expect. It's a half-marathon distance but off road. I'm assuming there will be guys my age running mid 1:20's. My goal is 1:35 or 7:15 minutes per mile. I've done a couple of training runs at 12-14 miles at 7:20-7:40 pace so I'm hoping this will work out for me.

And lastly I ponied up for some minimalist trail shoes, Newbalance 101's. First pair but I'm running a lot of offroad and the Kinvaras and Avia Bolts I was using are not cutting it on some of the really rough terrain I've been on. The Avias started out great per my first review, but I eventually ripped the sides out. I still have 3 product reviews I need to finish and post....Getting there.

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